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  • LE CANYON x Dūco Design | Branding

    LE CANYON 時而隱奢 食而顯貴 設席府默謙友敘 肆筵景怡同人凝,位於上海北外灘的謙默府,定位東方奢華中式美饌,服務十里洋場頂尖商務人士,不凡,於是虛懷若谷,謙默府,上海又一間定位極致高端的餐廳,在品牌整體形象與語意設計上吐露低調奢華的內涵,揉合俐落潮流感與中式深邃韻意,讓餐酒原來顯擺飽腹的浮華,覆加上脫落繁華的君子曠暢悠然。如謙似默,讓賓客體驗「時而隱奢、食而顯貴」的感受 ​ A TIME FOR LOW-KEY LUXE A FEAST EXPRESSING NOBILITY. A rendezvous at Le Canyon, surrounded by the pleasant view, Friends are banqueted and reconnected. Le Canyon, located in the North Bund Area, is dedicated to serving luxurious Chinese cuisine for top business people in Shanghai. Extraordinary, stay humble like the canyon. Le Canyon is another lavish and luxurious restaurant in Shanghai. In order to differentiate, its overall brand image and the semantic design imply a low-key lux, combining neat and chic trends with the profound Chinese rhythm. A sumptuous feast is no longer ostentatious nor bustling, but refreshing and leisurely. Humble and quiet, Le Canyon has guests experience “a time for low-key luxe, a feast expressing nobility” simultaneously. Service Branding Logo Design VI Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Ting Hsu ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client LE CANYON 謙默府 ​ Year 2022 All Projects Soul Logo Design, VI Design ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design STARdays Branding, Positioning Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging

  • Piyopiyo Retail Shop x Dūco Design | Space Design

    Piyopiyo Retail Shop 簡約童趣 專為母嬰提供全方面產品方案的 Piyopiyo,產品種類繁多且已歷時 10 年未與時俱進更新設計方案,透過簡約童趣的圓角矩形為單位進行模組化陳列櫃設計,搭配不同陳列功能的背板組合,能夠針對各種商品類別提供靈活變化,以滿足全中國 300 多家門店,不同的平面配置與商品比例的展示銷售需求 ​ CHILDISH DELIGHT Piyopiyo, the expert of the full-range products for mommies and babies, didn’t update their projects of design over a decade. Shaped in rounded rectangles with a touch of childish delight, the design of modular cabinets provide various combinations of frames for displaying different types of goods flexibly, measuring up the different needs of display regarding to the ratios of products and space of more than 300 branch stores all over China. Service Space Design ​ Location C hina Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Ryan Yan g Client PiyoPiyo ​ Year 2016 All Projects Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design Yang’s House Residential Interior Design H Visions Office Interior Design

  • Cangjie x Dūco Design | Branding

    Cangjie Avenue 位於蘇州平江古鎮的仁恆倉街項目,我們探索蘇州過去歷史與未來發展的鏈結,將平江路視為蘇州的”城 市之心”,代表著蘇州形而上的”靈魂/ 自然/ 創造力”,與形而下的”人文/ 園林/ 建築”互相呼應,提煉出代表蘇州倉街項目的核心視覺,並延伸至品牌象徵符號與品牌輔助圖騰之中 ​ For Yanhengcang Street project that is located in the ancient town Pingjiang, Suzhou, we have explored the connection between Suzhou’s history and its future development, and regarded Pingjiang Road as Suzhou’s “heart of the city” which represents the metaphysical “soul/nature/creativity” of Suzhou and echoes with the physical “humanities/gardens/architecture”. Extracting the core vision able to represent Suzhou Cangjie project, we have also extended it to the brand symbols and brand supporting totems. Service Logo Design VI Design Signage Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client Yanlord ​ Year 2020 All Projects Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design STARdays Branding, Positioning TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design Soul Logo Design, VI Design Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging

  • JellyBay x Dūco Design | Graphic Design

    JellyBay 小宇宙 大自在 在宇宙的自然運行中,我們試圖在找一種平衡,那是一種近似於“水母”的連接體,純粹簡單,輕鬆愉悅,從內心到地球,到宇宙,是我們每個人的水母星系,我們叫它 JellyBay,在這里,我們可以從頭開始,關注自己,連結自然與科技,治癒內心 ​ SMALL UNIVERSE, GREAT EASE In the natural course of the universe, we attempt to find a balance, a connection similar to “jellyfish”-pure, simple, relaxing and pleasant. From our heart to earth and to the universe, It’s the Jellyfish galaxy of our own. We call it JellyBay. Here, we can start all over to care about our selves, To connect nature and technology, To heal from within. Service Packagin g Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Graphic Desi gner Jhousan Wang Client JellyBay ​ Year 2021 All Projects Dodie Packaging Design XI SHANG Packaging Design KOR Graphic, Packaging, GWP, Font Design, Social Media Guild Shui Jing Fang Packaging Design DFC Packaging Design Atour Hotel Branding, Signage Design

  • Andre Hotel x Dūco Design | Branding

    Andre Hotel 綠以及現代 因你而在 旅店住人,也同時駐心 是身分場景的轉換,也是舒適心懷的駐在 安芮,多點讓人呼吸的綠與空間 就讓旅人,能多點自在 安芮,多點細心細節滿意客人 就讓旅人,能多點放鬆 安芮,創造空間想將緩心實現,在旅途中最私自的時間 希望在安芮停駐,隨處找到移轉心境的諸多理由 安芮,在白晝之時,綠意肆流,光影協調鋪敘空間 在夜裡亮一盞燈,窗內窗外像白花在城市綻放 安芮的寧靜時尚 日日夜夜 與你同在 ​ MODERN TO ALL LIFE RELEVANT TO YOU ALL In a hotel stay the travelers, and so do the hearts, it’s where identities and scenes transition, it’s where the heart rests in comfort. André, in which a traveler can find more greenery and space, and to be more at ease. André, in which a guest can be served and satisfied more attentively, and to be more relaxed. André, in the day, is filled with greenery while shadow and lights portray the space. At night, with a lamp switched on, in and out of the window, it feels like white blossoms are blooming in the city. André’s fashion of serenity is always with you, day and night. Service Branding Logo Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Ting Hsu ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client AnCheng Hotels ​ Year 2021 All Projects Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI Soul Logo Design, VI Design H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design STARdays Branding, Positioning TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging

  • H Visions Office x Dūco Design | Space Design

    H Visions Office 位於上海漕河涇開發區,毗鄰字節跳動的這個專案,巧妙呼應業主的人工智能和物聯網等科技產業屬性,以科技未來為主題進行室內設計。透明液晶顯示屏兼具榮譽展示牆,「生命之樹」裝置藝術則呼應客戶的數據資料,創造永續價值。純黑色的茶水區展現科技前衛質感,透明玻璃磚圍繞的休憩區域則呈現數據IT 的視覺效果。CEO 辦公室的設計以Logo 元素為靈感,訂製吊燈創造視覺焦點,會議室則以可書寫的灰色烤漆玻璃塑造未來感的空間。 ​ Zone, Shanghai, adjacent to ByteDance, cleverly responds to the owner’s attributes of technology industries such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, and uses the theme of the future of technology for interior design. The transparent LCD screen doubles as an honor display wall, and the "Tree of Life" installation art responds to customers' data to create sustainable value. The pure black tea area shows the avant-garde texture of technology, and the rest area surrounded by transparent glass bricks presents the visual effect of data IT. The design of the CEO office is inspired by logo elements, with customized chandeliers creating visual focus, while the conference room uses writeable gray lacquered glass to create a futuristic space. Service Office Interior Design Location CaoHeJing HiTechPark, Shanghai Area 430 sqm 130坪 Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Phil Yang ​ Construction Zhong tai ​ Photographer Hansen Client H Visions ​ Year 2022 All Projects POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design Yang’s House Residential Interior Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • POP W Boutique x Dūco Design | Space Design

    POP W Boutique 湖天白舖 以天鵝湖漣漪為靈感設計的買手選物店,以簡潔白色為主調,讓服裝在純白空間畫布中恣意揮灑色彩,平面佈局以曲線漣漪勾勒,在空間既有的樑柱限制底下,將旋轉樓梯置於空間中心,創造出具美術館質感的挑高空間,展現天鵝頸弧線的優雅,呈現現代極簡的空間氛圍 ​ LAKE SKY WHITE BOUTIQUE Inspired by the ripples of Swan Lake, this concept store showcases a clean white color scheme, allowing the clothing to express vibrant colors on a pure white canvas. The floor plan is designed with flowing curves, working around existing structural limitations. The centerpiece is a centrally placed rotating staircase, creating a high-ceiling space with a museum-like ambiance. The design reflects the elegance of a swan’s neck, presenting a modern and minimalist atmosphere. Service Commercial Space Design Location Zhejiang Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Phil Yang Client POP W ​ Year 2022 All Projects LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design Yang’s House Residential Interior Design H Visions Office Interior Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • Anberth Hotel x Dūco Design | Branding

    Anberth Hotel 旅心安行 旅行,從不是一個人的事 過程中,很多很多故事 有時慌張,有時小小確幸 所以,大部分時候 旅行其實是旅心,心跟著呢! 躺在異地旅床上 行李安了,洗梳好了,手機滑了 心,安躺下了不? 有個地方,叫安泊 讓旅行的心,安妥妥的在每個晚上 睡了個穩,然後醒來! ​ HEART IN HEART INN Travel is never only about you, There are many stories in the journey. Sometimes you get flurry, other times you feel hygge, Therefore, most of the time, to travel is to have your heart does so, as your heart always follows closely behind! Lying in the bed in a foreign land, you have the luggage unpacked, your body refreshed, your phone checked, but your heart hasn’t settled down yet, has it? There’s a place called AnBerth, that makes the traveling heart rest well every night. Sleep well and rise-and-shine! Service Branding Logo & VI Signage Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Ting Hsu ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client AnCheng Hotels ​ Year 2021 All Projects Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design STARdays Branding, Positioning TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design Soul Logo Design, VI Design Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design

  • Space | Dūco Design

    View Project POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design View Project LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design View Project HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design View Project Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design View Project Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design View Project Yang’s House Residential Interior Design View Project H Visions Office Interior Design View Project Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design View Project Twinings Commercial Space Design View Project Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design View Project Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • AnCheng Hotels x Dūco Design | Branding

    AnCheng Hotels 安程酒店管理公司是藝龍投資的創新型企業,致力於通過“OTA+ 酒店”模式,與業主、業務夥伴,建立平臺賦能、資料賦能、流量賦能的智慧型發展環境,未來,我們將以“專注做好每一家酒店”為使命,擁抱未來,為下一代旅行者提供超越預期的旅居體驗,擁抱創新,讓“OTA+ 酒店”全新賽道 的發展紅利,普惠到每一個業主,安程願與你一 起,去發現,去創造,去改變,放心遠行,就選安程 ​ AnCheng Hotels is an innovative enterprise invested by Elong and dedicated to building up an intelligently developing environment of platform enablement, data enablement and traffic enablement with business owners and business partners through the model of OTA+hotels. We will be embracing the future with the mission “devoting our mind to running every hotel well” and providing unexpected sojourn experiences for travelers in the next generation. We will be embracing innovation, bringing benefit of the profits from the new model “OTA+hotels” to every business owner. AnCheng Hotels would love to discover, to create and to change with you. Travel carefreely, AnCheng Hotels only. Service Branding Logo Design VI Design Signage Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Ting Hsu ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client ANCHENG HOTELS ​ Year 2021 All Projects Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design STARdays Branding, Positioning TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design Soul Logo Design, VI Design H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging

  • Mandie August x Dūco Design | Space Design

    Mandie August 於安徽蕪湖的女裝買手店,以當代簡約風格為主,獨具一格地融入了羅馬浴池的概念藝術。店內採用紅銅材質的掛衣桿貫穿一二樓,完美結合複合功能的VIP試衣間,營造出時尚與舒適兼具的購物空間 ​ This women's boutique, located in Wuhu, Anhui, embraces a contemporary minimalist style while uniquely incorporating the concept of a Roman bath as an artistic touch. With copper clothes racks spanning the two floors, complemented by multifunctional VIP fitting rooms, it creates a shopping space that seamlessly combines fashion and comfort. Service Logo Design Commercial Space Design Location Wuhu, Anhui Area 264 sqm 80坪 Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Phil Yang ​ Lighting Designer Sean Hoom Client Mandie August ​ Year 2018 All Projects POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design Yang’s House Residential Interior Design H Visions Office Interior Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • TONY’S DECO x Dūco Design | Branding

    TONY’S DECO 想要住的不一樣?「龍貓懂你」不一樣! 造家的過程,就像一場充滿樂趣的遊戲 你需要的,除了無與倫比的商品及服務 還有一個真正懂你、值得信賴的完美夥伴! ​ DESIRE TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY? TONY’S DECO HAS GOT YOUR BACK! The process of homemaking is like a fun game. Aside from incomparable merchandises and service, you also need a perfect partner, that truly understands you and is trustworthy! Service ​ Branding Logo Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Juno Yeh ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client Red Star Macalline ​ Year 2020 All Projects STARdays Branding, Positioning Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design Soul Logo Design, VI Design Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI H Visons Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging

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