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  • POP W Boutique x Dūco Design | Space Design

    POP W Boutique 湖天白舖 以天鵝湖漣漪為靈感設計的買手選物店,以簡潔白色為主調,讓服裝在純白空間畫布中恣意揮灑色彩,平面佈局以曲線漣漪勾勒,在空間既有的樑柱限制底下,將旋轉樓梯置於空間中心,創造出具美術館質感的挑高空間,展現天鵝頸弧線的優雅,呈現現代極簡的空間氛圍 ​ LAKE SKY WHITE BOUTIQUE Inspired by the ripples of Swan Lake, this concept store showcases a clean white color scheme, allowing the clothing to express vibrant colors on a pure white canvas. The floor plan is designed with flowing curves, working around existing structural limitations. The centerpiece is a centrally placed rotating staircase, creating a high-ceiling space with a museum-like ambiance. The design reflects the elegance of a swan’s neck, presenting a modern and minimalist atmosphere. Service Commercial Space Design Location Zhejiang Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Phil Yang Client POP W ​ Year 2022 All Projects LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design Yang’s House Residential Interior Design H Visions Office Interior Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • KOR x Dūco Design | Graphic Design

    KOR 獨具一格的 Kor Super Lounge,不僅是屢獲殊榮的雞尾酒吧,也是米其林餐廳,更有著國際公認一流的室內設計。KOR 獨有的迎賓觀點聚集了各界深具影響力的客群。來賓自在地感受富有挑戰的基調,在單一空間裡便能滿足所有基本需求。我們以五大核心:美食、酒水、音樂、時尚和人作為基礎。 KOR 就是如此與眾不同的首選之地 ​ Award winning cocktail bar, Michelin caliber restaurant, and internationally recognized interior design, KOR Super Lounge exists in its own unique category. KOR helps unify a body of influential people with an exclusively welcoming point of view. Helping them to be comfortably challenged, by exposing them to the fundamentals in order to fulfill their basic needs all in one place. With our 5 Pillars, Food, Drinks, Music, Fashion and people, as our foundation. KOR is the preferred destination unlike any other. Service Graphic Design Packaging Design GWP Design Font Design Social Media Guide Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Graphic Desi gner Cherrie Chu Client theLOOP Group ​ Year 2020 - 2023 All Projects Atour Hotel Branding, Signage Design Dodie Packaging Design JellyBay Packaging Design XI SHANG Packaging Design Shui Jing Fang Packaging Design DFC Packaging Design

  • AYAYA BEDDING x Dūco Design | Branding

    AYAYA BEDDING 美美噠睡 爽爽噠醒 早安 早安鴨 美美噠、爽爽噠 早晨醒來,一夜好眠! 高質感面料親膚透氣,造型合意 睡的好,就有好心情 想要的舒適好棉、細膩工藝 想要的潮流有形、時尚朝氣 早安鴨,為您的睡前醒來,通通備起! ​ SLEEP IN STYLE, WAKE UP REFRESHED Good morning, AYAYA. À la mode, on cloud nine, Wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep! Skin-friendly and breathable fabrics of great quality are well-designed. Good sleep, good mood. The best comfy cotton as desired is delicately crafted. Trendy and vibrantly fashionable, AYAYA is always ready before you wake up! Service Branding Logo Des i gn VI Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Ting Hsu ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client 早安鸭 AYAYA Bedding ​ Year 2018 All Projects Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design Soul Logo Design, VI Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design STARdays Branding, Positioning H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI

  • Piyo Casa x Dūco Design | Space Design

    Piyo Casa 像家一樣溫暖的地方 延伸的品牌理念,顛覆一般對親子餐廳的想像。木質地的線框房子造型,在不影響視線穿透的前提下劃分各個空間機能區塊。透過北歐風家具配置,搭配品牌繽紛色彩穿插點綴,形構出讓大人恣意放鬆、孩童盡情玩耍的溫暖空間 ​ THE COZY SENSATION OF HOME In light of the Brand Mind to bring you “the cozy sensation of home”, it subverts your imagination of regular kid friendly restaurants. Without disturbing the line of sight, the wooden framed house has divided the space into several functional domains. Through the display of Scandinavian-styled furniture with the colorful brand colors, it has constructed a cozy space for adults to relax pleasantly when kids play around enjoyably. Service Space Design Construction Location Shanghai, China Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Ryan Yan g ​ Lighting Designer Sean Hoom Client PiyoPiyo ​ Year 2017 All Projects Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design Yang’s House Residential Interior Design H Visions Office Interior Design

  • Yang’s House x Dūco Design | Space Design

    Yang’s House 位於安徽蕪湖的這個四口之家採用當代簡約設計風格,主臥室配有完備功能的步入式衣櫃,同時兼具多功能空間:兒女遊戲室、夫妻健身房、居家會議室。設計最大程度地引入室外天光,並設有陽台空間,讓屋主盡情欣賞長江美景 ​ This four-member family home in Wuhu, Anhui, adopts a contemporary minimalist design style. The master bedroom features a fully functional walk-in closet, while also serving as a multi-functional space for children's play, couple's fitness, and household meetings. The design maximizes natural light and incorporates balcony spaces for residents to enjoy the beautiful views of the Yangtze River. Service Residential Interior Design Location Wuhu, Anhui Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Angel Liu Client Mr. & Mrs. Yang ​ Year 2022 All Projects Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design H Visions Office Interior Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • LTT Studio x Dūco Design | Space Design

    LTT Studio 位於江蘇常州的這家女裝買手店以低調奢華風格為主,使用黃銅材質製作陳列道具,展現尊貴質感;更衣室則採用神祕低調的紅色系,營造出獨特氛圍 ​ This women's boutique, situated in Changzhou, Jiangsu, embodies a style of understated luxury. It features display props crafted from brass, exuding a sense of sophistication, while the changing rooms are designed with a mysterious and discreet red color scheme, creating a unique ambiance. Service Commercial Space Design Location Changzhou, Jiangsu Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Ryan Yang Client LTT Studio ​ Year 2019 All Projects POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design Phyilis' House Residential Interior Design Yang’s House Residential Interior Design H Visions Office Interior Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • XI SHANG x Dūco Design | Graphic Design

    XI SHANG 肌膚的攻守之道 從《孫子兵法》中汲取靈感: 昔之善戰者,先為不可勝, 以待敵之可勝 先強化肌膚防禦能力,再謀求肌膚狀態改善 ​ THE WAY OF DEFENSE OFFENSE OF THE SKIN Inspired by The Art of War, “The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy”, we therefore reinforce the skin defensive barrier before improving its condition. Service Packagin g Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client XI SHANG ​ Year 2021 All Projects KOR Graphic, Packaging, GWP, Font Design, Social Media Guild Dodie Packaging Design JellyBay Packaging Design Shui Jing Fang Packaging Design DFC Packaging Design Atour Hotel Branding, Signage Design

  • MANDU x Dūco Design | Branding

    MANDU 諸多美好 自然蔓延 MANDU 深知源于自然的能量,能為生活帶來更多美好… 我們邀請來自澳洲的專業研發團隊,以天然澳式生活型態為概念 融合從自然生態發掘的大地能量,將南半球的藍天、艷陽、海浪、綠意、花香… 一點一滴地加入你的日常,當各種美妙感受如珍珠般串連 源自澳洲大地的美好生活,從此自然蔓延… ​ A BETTER PREMIUM LIFESTYLE MANDU deeply knows the power originated from nature that brings more beauty to life… We invited the professional R&D team from Australia, based on the natural Australian lifestyle, to combine the earthy energy excavated from the natural ecosystem, and have the blue sky, sunshine, waves, greenery and floral fragrance from the southern hemisphere, little by little, added to your everyday life. When all kinds of wonderful sensations concatenate like a string of pearls, the beautiful life from Australian nature has spread ever since. Service Branding Packaging Design KV Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Juno Yeh ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client MANDU ​ Year 2019 All Projects ROUROU Branding, Positioning; Logo, VI, Commercial Interior Design Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI Soul Logo Design, VI Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design STARdays Branding, Positioning Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design

  • SHUIJINGFANG x Dūco Design | Graphic Design

    SHUIJINGFANG 600 年坊藝心 與時俱進 傳承中開拓 傳承:大師、精緻、匠心 時間:歷史、文化、經典 工藝:甄取古坊水井坊一號菌、緩火蒸餾、層層積蓄 水井坊遺址,窖泥、一號菌、青花瓷 蒸餾器遺址,古法工藝、大師傳承、經典重現 ​ 600 YEARS OF ART KEEP PACE WITH THE TIMES DEVELOP IN LEGACY Legacy: Master, Exquisite, Ingenuity. Time: History, Culture, Classics. Craftsmanship: Select Bacteria No.1 from the ancient Swellfun, with slow fire distillation and have it accumulated layers by layer. Shuijing Street Alcohol Workshop Memorial Site, pit mud, Bacteria No.1, blue-andwhite porcelain, the distillery ruins, ancient craftsmanship, the legacy of the master, representation of the classics. Service Packagin g Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client SHUIJINGFANG ​ Year 2019 All Projects DFC Packaging Design Atour Hotel Branding, Signage Design KOR Graphic, Packaging, GWP, Font Design, Social Media Guild Dodie Packaging Design JellyBay Packaging Design XI SHANG Packaging Design

  • About | Dūco Design

    About Services Clients Clients logo Clients Industry Project Mangement Contact About Services Clients Project Mangement content-1 Project Mangement content-2 Contact About Dūco Design 創立於 2013 年,服務駐點於上海及台北,擁有超過 10 年的品牌形象及設計服務的服務經驗,擅長透過挖掘本質來形塑品牌,藉由這些品牌的溫度和故事,為您創造深植人心的識別力量 ​ Dūco Design, founded in 2013, is dedicated to shaping brands through efficient design solutions, with over 10 years of experience in brand image and design services in Shanghai and Taipei. Services 我們提供的服務包括,品牌設計、品牌重塑、視覺識別系統、品牌廣告、空間設計、展示陳列和數位媒體設計、行銷策劃、數位轉型等多元的品牌形象塑造 ​ We execute branding, visual identity design, advertising, space design, POSM, and digital design for building your brand image. BRANDING 品牌定位 品牌診斷 品牌顧問 市場研究 品牌調性定位 視覺形象定位 ​ 品牌文案 品牌命名 品牌口號 品牌故事 GRAPHIC 平面設計 品牌象徵標誌設計 品牌中英文標準字 品牌標準色彩 品牌標誌使用規範 品牌手冊設計 應用系統使用規範 包裝設計 環境識別設計 指標導視設計 SPACE 空間設計 概念體驗空間 餐飲空間設計 零售空間設計 豪宅別墅設計 住宅空間設計 辦公空間設計 陳列展示設計 展場空間設計 軟裝規劃設計 DIGITAL 數位媒體設計 ​ 響應式網站設計 網站視覺設計 架設搭建 網站維護 ​ 微信小程序設計 社群媒體應用設計 ​ 應用程序 UI 使用者介面設計 UX使用者體驗設計 IMAGE 影像視覺執行 產品形象拍攝 人物肖像拍攝 空間環境拍攝 主視覺設計 動態影像製作 商業廣告製作 企業宣傳製作 MARKETING 品牌數位整合行銷 數位內容行銷策略 商業轉型跨界整合 社群媒體規劃策略 數位廣告投放策略 媒體曝光行銷策略 網紅口碑行銷策略 ​ 數位轉型 數位轉型諮詢輔導 數位商業模式策略 電子商務行銷策略 Clients 我們為各領域提供品牌設計解決方案,專攻於餐飲娛樂、飯店/ 酒店、科技新創、高端洋酒、奢侈品、商業地產、高定珠寶禮服、醫美、美妝日用化工品等各個行業 ​ DŪCO Design Studio provides professional services for a wide range of industries, ranging from commercial real estate, catering & entertainment, hospitality, hi-technology venture, high-end liquor and wine, luxuries, hautecouture, jewels, watches, aesthetic medicine, and detergent & cosmetics. Load More Real Estate YANLOAD LAND 仁恒置地 MACALLINE 紅星美凱龍 GRANDJOY 大悅城控股 DAHUA Group 大華集團 BCCI 北京中 外建建築設計 Vanke 萬科 COFCO 中糧 CREATER 創邑 Boharmony 樸和不動產 Hospitality Atour Hotel 亞朵酒店 AnCheng H otels Anberth Hotel André Hotel 同程旅行 藝龍旅行 Liquor & Wine Lafite Rothschild Louis XIII MHD DIAGEO Johnnie Walker 水井坊 PERNOD RICARD Havana Club Malibu Seagram's Helan Mountain 賀藍山 RÉMY MARTIN 1898 Guneagal Domaine Franco-Chinois 詩百篇 WAT Cocktail Entertainment the LOOP KOR CÉ LA VI OMNI ALTA Soul & Cavern Catering TWININGS VOL Group UVVU 灘外樓 Le Canyon 謙默府 Halu Korean Bistro PiYOCASA GUSTO 味蕾 RouRou Phenomenal 粉那麼濃 Tech & Startup Logitech BOSE RealD 91PU H Visions aqueti Camputer ALIBABA Group 阿里巴巴 AURORA Group 震旦集團 Migo 上海功典科技 So Mall 摩騷 App Luxuries WTC Studio TRICE Peacock Timepiece YIFE 誼豐國際 Light Mark 小白光 ​寶島眼鏡 Boutique POP W Mandie August LTT Studio HCH Designer Collection MediSpa MO-BUTY BUTY DAYS ​ ​ Cosmetics X.SHANG 溪上 Magic East 東方級萃 JellyBAY 果凍灣 Par Skincare La Majorelle Household Goods V ZUG Miele KIC MANDU ayaya bedding JIA YI YumYumPet 漾漾寵 Baby Care PiYOPiYO Haku baku はくばく Dodie ​ Others DUFRY CYP 上海長誼紙業 FANS Investment Project Management 有效率在三次內確認設計概念,為客戶提供即時且精准的設計解決方案 嚴格控管制作及工程項目產出品質及時間,使客戶安心的委託專案任務 運用客戶所在地的各種製作廠商資源,為客戶提供價格合理的貼心服務 ​ Effectively confirming the concept of design within three times, we provide our clients with instant and clear-cut design solutions. Rigorously monitoring the producing process along with our severe quality control and time-management, we guarantee our clients a trustworthy commission experience. Employing abundant resources from a network of factories where the customer is located, we offer our clients customized services at a reasonable price. Ready to Start 1、前期溝通 - 初步了解客戶需求 Background Survey - Dūco Design 擬定工作內容清單及報價單 Service List & Quotation - 客戶確認報價單、雙方簽署合同 Contract Signed Project Kickoff 2、項目啟動 - Dūco Design 提交項目簡述文件並由客戶確認 Project Brief - Dūco Design 開始第一階段工作 First Step Work - 客戶支付首付款 Down Payment - Dūco Design 進行第一次提案 First Step Proposal Progress Confirmation 3、進度確認 - 客戶對「每次會議記錄」回覆確認 Meeting Minutes - 客戶對「各階段工作確認函」回簽確認 Stage Confirmation - Dūco Design 根據確認內容進行下階段工作 Next Step Work Output Confirmation 4、產出確認 - 客戶針對最終產出成果進行確認並支付尾款 Final Payment - Dūco Design 提交該項目完稿文件 Final Artwork Contact For inquiries, please leave us your details. Name Phone Email 請留下您的需求內容 提交 感謝您提交以上資訊! 我們會盡快聯繫您 Taipei Office 台北市中山區松江路87號11樓 11F, No. 87, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City Shanghai Office 上海市靜安區萬航渡路888號12樓C C, 12F, No. 888, Wanhangdu Rd ., Jing'an Dist., Shanghai Email Social Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Xiaohongshu 填寫需求表單 直接填寫網站上提供的聯絡方式表格,或需求表單使我們更了解您的需求,節省您寶貴的時間,以便加快諮詢流程。

  • Phyllis’ House x Dūco Design | Space Design

    Phyllis’ House ​位於上海法租界華山路的私宅空間,將完備機能收斂在簡約日系風格之中,為業主打造兼具自宅放鬆與居家辦公,可獨享可待客的多模式空間 ​ Located in Shanghai French Concession, Phyllis’ House is a private property with Japanese minimalistic style which we have customized for the client to be both a relaxing home and a working office, a multi-functional space for the exclusive usage and receiving guests. Service Residential Interior Design Construction Client Phyllis Chang ​ Year 2020 Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Space Designer Jacky Chang ​ Construction David Liu​ Furniture Stella Works, Fermob, Tailor-made ​ Lighting Tom Dixon, &tradition, Foscarini, Flos ​ Photographer Hansen All Projects Yang’s House Residential Interior Design POP W Boutique Commercial Space Design LTT Studio Boutique Commercial Space Design HCH Boutique Commercial Space Design Mandie August Boutique Commercial Space Design H Visions Office Interior Design Soul & Cavern Commercial Space Design DesignTwinings Commercial Space Design Piyo Casa Commercial Space Design Piyopiyo Retail Shop Commercial Space Design

  • ROUROU x Dūco Design | Branding

    ROUROU 煣煣 輕奢小龍蝦卷 不一樣的小龍蝦 風味地道 風格獨具 這不是你熟悉的小龍蝦 在純淨的水域長大,並通過嚴格的健康檢查 白腹美的蝦肉,搭配天然原材料發酵的鬆軟麵包烘托 出小龍蝦的Q 彈鮮美,堪稱天生絕配 ​ 這不是你熟悉的小龍蝦 承襲中式經典風味,融合西方料理哲學 無論是15 香主廚特製、加州經典酸辣、香脆椒鹽風味 令人意想不到,卻輕易地愛上它的味道 ​ 這不是你熟悉的小龍蝦 你可以坐下來慢慢享用,也能夠隨性帶著走 貼心去殼 只需要張口享受,免沾手多好 美味在握,誰都會忍不住一口接一口 ​ RouRou | Accessible Luxurious Crayfish Roll One Of A Kind / Authentic Flavor | Unique style This is not the kind of crayfish you are familiar with. Growing in the clean waters, under strict food safety examinations, Known for the beautifully firm and white meat, The crayfish goes perfectly with soft natural yeast bread, Which brings out its chewy freshness – What a perfect match. Inheriting the classic Chinese flavor, blending with the western culinary philosophy, The seasoning ranges from the Chief Special 15 spices, Classic Californian Sweet-Sour to Crispy Salt and Pepper, Surprisingly, you will fall for the flavor easily. You can savor it slowly as you wish, Or have it with you wherever you go. As the shells are removed for your convenience, all you need is to take a bite without getting your fingers sticky. A delicacy in hand, one bite after another, no one can resist it. Service Branding Positioning Logo Desi gn VI Design Commercial Interior Design Creative Director Thomas Chiang ​ Copywriter Juno Yeh ​ Graphic Desi gner Phil Yang Client Rou Rou ​ Year 2018 Location Shanghai All Projects Soul Logo Design, VI Design Mandu Branding, Packaging Design, KV Design TONY’S DECO Branding, Logo Design Home Thing Branding, Logo, VI, Packaging, & Signage Design STARdays Branding, Positioning Le Canyon Branding, Logo Design, VI Hakubaku Branding; Logo, Packaging Ayaya Bedding Branding, Logo Design, VI H Visions Branding, Logo & VI, Signage Design, Office Interior Design Cangjie Avenue Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Aeterna Shopping Museum Logo Design, VI Design, Signage Design Anberth Hotel Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design Andre Hotel Branding, Logo Design AnCheng Hotels Branding, Logo, VI, Signage Design

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