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高端嬰兒尿布品牌 DODIE

成立於1958 年法國的高端嬰兒尿布品牌 Dodie,欲針對香港市場設計新一代包裝設計,我們依據產品獨特賣點和專利,設計一套屬於Dodie 風格的象徵圖形,並融合品牌 IP 以水彩畫風呈現童趣形象,永不離手的小布偶,依賴的氣味以及抱在懷中柔軟的安全感,像是寶寶的第一個玩偶,成為寶寶成長過程中絕對不可缺少的貼心夥伴

Dodie, a premium French baby care brand founded in 1958, commissioned us to design a new packaging for the Hong Kong market. Based on their unique selling points and patents, we have designed a set of icons exclusively for Dodie, and combined the brand IP to present the childlike images with pastel drawing. The stuffed toy that the baby cannot let go, Its scent the baby relies on and the sense of security the baby has when holding the toy in arms Dodie, just like the first stuffed toy to a baby, is the indispensable and sweet partner in their growth.


Packaging Design

Creative Director

Thomas Chiang

Graphic Designer

Phil Yang





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